Friday, October 20, 2017

Sandhill cranes staging at Falling Downs

The first sighting of a Sandhill crane here was by my step-daughter Hanna back when we first bought the place. She was taking a ramble through the meadows and thought she'd seen a terradactyl. I can't blame her. They do look marvellously pre-historic.

This week, we've had several fly-overs of flocks of Sandhills. They're warming up for their trip to Mexico. When I say flocks, I mean dozens upon dozens.

Tonight we witnessed a fly-over of several hundred of them. They're still practising up for the big trip. There's a lot of talk back and forth. Their flying "Vs" don't have quite the definition as those of the Canada geese, but they're working on it.

There are benefits to living in the hinterlands. Ya, a Saturday Globe and Mail may run you $6.30, but where else do you get treated to a flyover of hundreds of Sandhill cranes, so close you can feel the whooshing of their wings?

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