Tuesday, May 19, 2015

How Washington elites celebrate illegal wars but shit on genuine war heroes

The tale of Major Mathew Golsteyn's fragging by his superiors should be a cautionary one for anybody contemplating a career in the military.

Soldiers don't make foreign policy and they don't question it. Soldiers serve their country. If their country sends them into illegal and/or immoral wars, that's something for the soldier to contemplate when he's writing his memoirs as an old man.

In the meantime, he's got a job to do.

By all accounts, Major Golsteyn was exceptionally good at his job. He exhibited the kind of devotion to his men and his mission that is the hallmark of an outstanding leader in the field. He was more than deserving of every accolade he ever got.

Now he's being screwed over by political operatives throughout the chain of command. He's been hung out to dry by guys for whom the "field of battle" is the annual performance review, and they want to make sure they're stroking all the political feathers the right way.

So take note, all you aspiring West Pointers; the trajectory of your future career will be determined not by your bravery, skill, or dedication to the men you lead. It will be determined by your success in negotiating the corridors of power, where legions of ass-kissing back-stabbing careerists will be lying in wait.

Good luck!

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