Sunday, June 9, 2013

How are freedom and democracy working out for Libya?

Since NATO did them the favor of dispatching the Monster of the Maghreb to his reward, our Libyan friends don't exactly get a lot of coverage in the mainstream media.

I'm guessing that our media, who were rabidly anti-Gaddafi, are reluctant to continue crowing about a "success" that has obviously left the country shattered and ungovernable. However dysfunctional Libya may have been under Gaddafi, it's impossible to argue things are better now.

Yesterday's firefight in Benghazi between rebels and protesters was a not atypical Saturday in Libya. 31 dead and 70 injured in a country of six million would be the equivalent of 1500 dead in Boston or Tulsa.

It would be a national emergency. We'd have 24/7 saturation coverage on every media outlet.

When it happens in Libya it's barely an afterthought.

Yesterday's confrontation brought about the resignation of Libyan army top boss Yousef Mangoush, the latest in a long string of resignations that are a de facto admission that the country is ungovernable. Mangoush, by the way, spent his entire working career in the ranks of Gaddafi's military.

If Mangoush and some of the other top dogs familiar with both pre and post revolution Libya put their heads together, they'd soon realize that they have the makings of a massive class action lawsuit against NATO on behalf of all Libyans.

It's only a matter of time.

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