Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Phony Tony doubles down on Iraq legacy

That would be the legacy of half-truths and misrepresentations and outright lies that fell from Tony's lips as he maneuvered his country into the Iraq disaster.

But ten years on, Tony wants the world to believe it was all worth it.

And he's got one snappy line of reasoning to support his view, a view that most of his henchmen back in the day have long abandoned, by the way.

It goes like this; no matter how atrocious the consequences to Britain, to America, and especially to Iraq, the war was worth it because imagine how much worse everything would be if we'd left Saddam in power.

For instance, if we'd left Saddam in place, and Arab Spring swept into Iraq like it has into Syria et al., just imagine the bloodbath that would have happened!

So it's a good thing we destroyed the country when we did, because otherwise it might have destroyed itself eventually, and God only knows what a horror show that might have been...

It's worth keeping in mind that Mr. Blair is reaping millions in speaker's fees and consultancy fees to promote his unique brand of imbecilic arrogance.

He is even a self-appointed spokesman for God Himself in the debate with non-believers (for a heavenly fee of course!).

If God needs friends like Tony Blair, He doesn't need the likes of me...

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