Monday, February 11, 2013

There's no such thing as "progress"

Consider the ubiquitous snow-blower.

Twenty years ago nobody had one. Maybe a guy on the next block who was known for putting on airs had one.

People known for "putting on airs" are now referred to as "early adapters," and are to be emulated rather than shunned.

Well fuck that!

We're having one of those wet snow evenings, aftermath of Nemo, and I just came in after a half hour of shovel work. That's because this is the kind of snow that gums up a snow-blower in no time. All the folks who traded in their snow shovels for snow-blowers are buying shovels when this kind of snow hits.

You can either start shoveling now, or you can dink around un-gumming the snow-blower two or three times and then start shoveling.

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