Sunday, February 24, 2013

One of the most significant missions in US history

That's "Mark Owen" on 60 Minutes. He's the guy who wrote the book about the Bin Laden take-down.

Leaving aside for a moment the well-documented history of Bin Laden obituaries before 2012, which cast doubt that this guy they murdered in Pakistan that day was Bin Laden, how does this come anywhere near being "one of the most significant missions in US history?"

No, what we are viewing on 60 Minutes is state of the art propaganda. This is the "liberal media" types at CBS earning their bona fides with the Obama White House.

You know you're in the land 'o bullshit as soon as "Mark Owen" tells you this was definitely a mission to take "Bin Laden" alive.

They killed a tall Paki in cold blood and buried him at sea.

Who the hell will ever know who they killed and buried at sea?

But you must admit it is a beautiful end to the myth of Bin Laden.

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