Thursday, December 13, 2012

Syria's disappearing Scud missiles

24 hours ago it was a big story. The New York Times had scooped the world with a story about Assad using Scud missiles on his own people. Evil doesn't get more eviler than that.

Nor does a contrived story get more contrived. Citing unnamed US intelligence sources the Times made it clear that the depraved Assad had broached new depths of depravity with the Scud move. The story was widely reproduced in the Nations of Virtue.

Where is it a day later?

It's disappeared from the Times home page.

None of the regional news outlets including Jerusalem Post, Hurriyet,  and Beirut Star  make any mention of it.

The US-friendly Jordan Times carries it as sourced from AFP, but neither Agence France-Presse or its consumer portal France 24 still feature the story.

But don't worry, dear news-hound. The story lives at CNN International.

So obviously it must be true.

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