Friday, December 21, 2012

Old Vic Toews shows what he's made of

Canada's Minister of Public Safety, still chuffed from the knock-out punch he delivered to Iran's Revolutionary Guards the other day, has made good on his promise to ban "pizza parties and BBQ socials" in Canada's federal prisons.

That's right, life in the Big House here in Canada is one non-stop whirl of double cheese and deep-fried chicken.

What an asshole!

Here's an overview of what those pizza parties and BBQ socials are all about. Every now and then the lifers pool their resources and order out. They make these "socials" fund-raisers for a variety of good causes out in the free world, everything from earthquake relief in Haiti to Doctors Without Borders to Special Olympics.

Not only do those charities benefit, but the local pizza joints and KFC outlets get a good boost too, as these deliveries can run into the thousands of dollars.

As one of the inmates says, "anybody who is in a rage because I get a piece of KFC a couple times a year has got their priorities askew."

No shit!

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