Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Life after Armageddon

Welcome to the future.

While that particular video has undergone numerous reincarnations in the few years it's been on my radar, the central point remains the same.

After the coming apocalypse, i.e.  the exchange of nuclear missiles among the "advanced" nations who own them, there are going to be communities all over the planet very much like this one.

Now, there are bound to be more of them in the "third" world, (and I apologize for the out-dated terminology), simply because when the infrastructure of modernity has been vaporized, those places that never had it won't notice it's gone.

They'll just keep doing whatever they've always done.

Grow their non-GM crops.

Live in their mud shacks.

Feed their children.

Make guns.

Whoa! Make guns? 

Yes, long after our grid is completely annihilated, the towellers will continue to make guns, because they never had that grid dependency to begin with!

But don't despair. There is hope under the mushroom clouds...

We too have our primitives who are not dependent on the grid.

The Amish.



Have you ever seen the machine shops these dudes run off the grid? My old pal Kenny would be more than happy to build his sniper rifles in one of these off-the-the-grid shops.

So relax.

There'll be plenty of life after Armageddon. 

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