Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Hardest-hitting restaurant review of all time

On Monday morning "customer x" parked his pick-up in front of  the Bonanza Restaurant in Edmonton and headed in for a hearty breakfast before a day of Christmas shopping.

Eggs sunny side up, bacon crisp, and rye toast, he told the server.

He spends fifteen minutes with his nose in the Edmonton Sun. Nice Sunshine girl. The Sun doesn't have big words, but the words it does have they like to print big.

Makes the readers think they're reading big words.

Breakfast arrives.




Soggy. They didn't even fry off the fat.


What toast?

"Customer x" was so taken aback he didn't even take things up with the wait staff.

He stumbled out of the restaurant in a daze, not even touching his breakfast...

But he knew he'd be back.

And he was!

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