Wednesday, October 31, 2012

High school student gets afternoon off for vicious antisemitic rant

I've never been a big fan of professional victims who have nothing better to do than root out antisemitism 24/7, but once in awhile reality gives you a jolt.

Today was one of those days. The Farm Manager has a day job in addition to her farm management duties. She's a Education Assistant at one of the local high schools.

She has been there for a long time and is considered by peers and students alike to be excellent at her job. Today when she asked a 16 year old kid to shut down a computer because he was on an inappropriate site, she was met with a barrage of obscenities focused on the fact that she is a Jew.

She has never made a secret of her background, and until today her Jewishness has been met with respectful indifference.

The sixteen year old's racist, sexist, and antisemitic outburst was met with the administration's idea of appropriate punishment; a half day suspension from school.

What kind of message is that supposed to send?

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