Sunday, September 23, 2012

Canada: the little colony that couldn't

Just days after announcing that Canada's interests in Iran would henceforth be served by the Italian embassy there, the word in Ottawa is that we will be "combining" foreign diplomatic posts with those of the UK.

The supposed rationale for this move is to deliver better value to the Canadian taxpayer.

Why not go all the way and abandon all pretense at being a sovereign nation? Just dissolve parliament and let  Whitehall run the whole show, or at least the parts they're interested in.

Maybe there would be other interested candidates. Perhaps the Chinese would be willing to take Alberta. They seem keen on the tar sands after all. And the Maritimes could join the Boston states. Ontario could officially become part of the midwestern rust belt.

Manitoba might make a go of things as an independent Hutterite homeland. Vancouver could be an independent city-state along the lines of Singapore, with the rest of the province reverting to aboriginal ownership.

Quebec would gain independence by default as the rest of the country withers away around it.

And the savings to Canadian taxpayers would be so immense that no Canadians would need to work anymore...

Poor Pierre must be spinning in his mausoleum. After all that fuss over the "patriation" of the Constitution, our flirtation with sovereignty appears to be over after a mere thirty years.

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