Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day

The earliest memory I have of my mother is her washing my hair.

What makes it memorable is that it was a serious business. This was no gentle scalp massage. This was a decidedly non-gentle scrub that went on and on till I was ready to cry.

My mother grew up in a refugee camp in Denmark. Head lice were a common occurrence. She made damned sure none of her kids would ever have head lice.

And they didn't.

My mother would shudder to be considered a feminist, but I never knew a time when she did not work outside the home.

Although a devout Christian, my mother opened her home to Muslim refugees from Afghanistan.

Aside from working outside the home she always found time to maintain a garden that would more properly be considered a small farm.

My mother modeled the virtues of hard work and compassion like no one else.

And she puts down one hell of an apfel strudel!

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