Sunday, April 1, 2012

Words of wisdom from Jeffrey Immelt

Hey, the CEO of General Electric should be a stand-up comic! He's really good. Here's a few zingers he let loose on a Globe and Mail  reporter the other day;

"We believe in manufacturing." Hee hee hee! Isn't that rich? This is from a guy who has eliminated tens of thousands of manufacturing jobs in the US.

"Workers must adjust their expectations about wages!" Nudge nudge... you don't think he means adjust them upwards, do you?

And here's another gem, "Unions have to be realistic about wages!" I laughed so hard I fell off my chair!

Or how about this howler, "This is a moment in time when management and workers must speak to each other with complete honesty!" COMPLETE HONESTY!!! Can you believe this guy?

But wait, it gets better. Apparently he's been reading up on his Karl Marx. Good luck if you think you can get through this without wetting your drawers.

"It clearly is a challenge... how do you do a better job of creating common wealth, common good for all."

Don't say I didn't warn you.

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