Sunday, April 1, 2012

Syrian Free Army no longer working for free

Nosiree sir!

The "Friends of Syria" got together in Istanbul today and decided that the Syrian freedom fighters deserve paychecks.

William Hague, Britain's Minister of Monkey Business, got the ball rolling with a promise of half a million pounds. That's got to be a relief to the UK university students who are still reeling from a recent trebling of their annual fees.

"We know we got screwed but at least the savings are going to a good cause" one student leader was quoted as saying. "We're fucked, but thank God those Syrian freedom fighters don't have to buy their own bullets anymore!"

Hague's half million was soon trumped and trumped again by the various non-democratic Gulf statelets who are keen as keen can be to see democracy triumph in Syria. At last word the Freedon Fighters Fund had pledges upward of $100,000,000.

No word on how the pay will be disbursed. Perhaps the freedom fighters can claim their paychecks when they go to Turkey for R&R breaks. Also no word on whether the freedom fighters who are already drawing down pay from the CIA or Mossad will be permitted to double dip.

It's a conundrum.

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