Thursday, January 19, 2012

Top court refuses to hear torture case as Harper prepares to lecture Chinese on human rights

The Supreme Court of Canada on Thursday refused to hear an appeal brought by three muslim Canadians who claim they were tortured in Syria and Egypt because of information provided by Canada.

As you know, Canada is a light unto the nations when it comes to human rights. No humans have more rights than the lucky humans who count themselves Canadians. We have even exported our superior moral code in the form of the R2P doctrine that was used as the official excuse for NATO's rape of Libya.

There are some Canadians who would quibble with this assessment of Canada's moral superiority, but every party needs a pooper, is what I say. Those Indians in Attawapiskat, for example, who'd be freezing to death in their home and native land right now were it  not for the intervention of the International Red Cross.

The Harper government  had them figured out right away as a bunch of malcontent whiners. Send food! Send fuel oil? We're freezing and starving!...

Well, if you are, the Harperites replied, you have no one to blame but your own lazy and corrupt selves. Just look at the money we have lavished on you!

Same deal with these muslims now making their extravagant claims about torture. And they are but the tip of the proverbial ice-berg, let me assure you. Please note that none of  these whiners claim to have been actually tortured in Canada! See what I mean? Our moral superiority remains intact.

No, we have adopted the out-sourcing model for torturing our nere-do-wells. We send our Arab malcontents to friendly Arab states for "enhanced interogation," along with a list of questions we would like the enhanced interogators to ask. Our  friends in Syria or Egypt or Libya do all the interogation, apply all the enhancements, and clean Canadian hands stay clean!

None of which is likely to impress the Chinese when PM Harper delivers his obligatory rant about human rights when he visits next month. Not human rights abuses in Canada, of course, but in China. He'll say just enough to get a few headlines back in Canada; Harper chastises Chinese on human rights record.

Then it'll  be on to the nitty gritty of the visit; Harper  pleads with Chinese to buy our dirty oil.

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