Thursday, January 12, 2012

"Super weed" found in Alberta

Now there's a headline that kinda catches the eye, doesn't it?

That's what I thought.

I lived in the Wild Rose province for a spell way back when. The weed was OK, but it pretty much all came from somewhere else. Didn't really see too much in the way of wild roses either. For my money, I'd go to New Brunswick for the wild roses, and BC for the super weed.

Anyway, times have changed and apparently "super weed" today means a weed, as in dandelions, ragweed, etc., that is resistant to the anti-weed chemicals peddled by Monsanto.

This is coming from a story on CBC News. They're reporting that a weed called Kochia is making itself right at home all over Alberta.

Monsanto are the biggest chemical peddlers around, and their big hit is Round-up, the chemical weed-slayer that'll make your fields ready for all the Round-up ready genetically modified seeds that you can only get from Monsanto once you've drank the Monsanto Kool-aid.

So here's why it's a story. Your farm buys into the Monsanto better-farming-through-chemistry program, and they guarantee you no more weeds.

Then, hokey-doodle, if good old weeds don't come a-creepin' up through your canola anyway! First couple weeks, they're just coming through; couple weeks later, they're choking out the canola. A while after that, your crop is done and you've got a field of "super weed."

Which is why you'd do well cultivating Monsanto-free super weed in the first place.

Not that we do that here at Falling Downs. We're just too vulnerable to the OPP Air Force.

But we are Monsanto free.

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