Thursday, January 19, 2012

Israeli drones over Manhattan

According to Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu, the New York Times is Israel's greatest enemy in the world.

My first reaction is, well, with enemies like that, guess you don't even need friends!

Greatest enemy? Holy shit, what has the supreme leader been smoking! That Bekaa valley contraband has obviously found its way into his inner sanctum.

Israel has many enemies. Hamas. Hezbolla. Those crazed towel-heads over in Tehran. Obama.

But the greatest enemy of all is the New York Times?

If I was Arthur Sulzberger I'd be taking this mighty seriously. After all, look what happened to Ahmed Yassin, who also had the "greatest enemy" tag put on him at one time. Old Ahmed probably thought, ya right, I'm an ancient fuck in a wheelchair, why would they bother me?

One American...oops, I mean Israeli Hellfire missile cured Old Ahmed and a dozen by-standers of that misconception.

So keep your head down, Sulzy!

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