Friday, December 23, 2011

Republicans come to senses; Newt fading fast

Maybe those Republican voters aren't retarded after all. The latest numbers from Gallup show that the big lead Gingrich held just a couple of weeks ago has pretty much evaporated.

And it's a good thing. How the wily old carpet-bagger ever became the front-runner caused more than a little befuddlement around the think tank here at Falling Downs. Gingrich has proved himself a leader in two respects; he leads all candidates in his craven pandering to AIPAC, and he leads all candidates in his proven ability to enrich himself while serving the public. Neither of these are qualities that say "front-runner" at this particular point in American history.

The AIPAC thing is just a matter of where Newt's campaign money comes from. I've never seen evidence that Newt has a particularly strong position on any issue. His modus operandi is to talk his best game for whoever cuts the biggest check. Somebody else waves a check with bigger numbers on it, and Newt's outa there like a fart in a windstorm.

Right now Sheldon Adelson is the guy calling the tune with his generous financial backing. Sheldon is the same guy who keeps Netanyahu afloat over in the promised land. But I really don't think Newt's heart is in it. If the Emir of Qatar doubled Adelson's stipend, Newt would be doing haj next week and talking about the Israelis being an invented people.

As for Newt's proven record of success at enriching himself while serving the public, that's just not the right message in tough times like these. Horatio Alger myths are big in American iconography, but "small town hustler gets rich in politics" isn't something the general public has any appetite for these days.

On the other hand, the man gaining on Newt, at least according to Gallup, is the man who told us that corporations are people too.

I'll hold off reassessing that retardation diagnosis for a little while yet.

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