Monday, December 12, 2011

Nabob bans niqab

Immigration Minister Jason Kenney today banned the the wearing of the niqab at Canadian immigration ceremonies.

Citing a Canadian tradition of showing your face when you swear an oath, Kenney said that when women show up with the niqab or burqa hiding their face, we can't see their lips move as they take the oath, so how do we know they are really taking the oath?

I've got a couple of other considerations that Kenney might want to take into consideration. What if they take the oath, we see their lips move, but THEY'VE CROSSED THEIR FINGERS BEHIND THEIR BACK? Ever think of that, Mr. smarty pants immigration minister?

Or what if they're just liars who will make an oath with a straight and fully exposed face and not even mean it?

And how do you know they're really women? Even with the face revealed and the lips moving, how sure can you be of what's really under that floor-length Islamic gown?

Here's your solution, Mr. Immigration Minister; every potential citizen who shows up to their swearing-in ceremony in a burqa or niqab gets an exploratory crotch grab courtesy of the Immigration Department.

That should weed out the potential terrorists and keep you law and order types happy.

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