Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Top court upholds polygamy law

The British Columbia Supreme court today ruled that polygamy is indeed a no-no. On the books for well over a hundred years, the law was being challenged by some Mormon types who still cling to the idea that it's cool to have multiple wives.

The think tank here at Falling Downs couldn't agree more. Multiple wives? Most guys I know have enough trouble with one. Some of these guys in the Mormon community of Bountiful out in British Columbia have a dozen. Their top guy has twenty-one.

Twenty-one wives? Isn't that great! Instead of one wife making twenty one different complaints over a period of time, he gets twenty-one making different complaints all at the same time. He goes to the BC supreme court for the right to get nagged at by twenty-one wives at the same time? Who can even imagine such a thing?

No thanks.

Then there are of course the guys whose imaginations never leave the gutter. OOOhhh, twenty-one wives!!! Imagine the wild sex!

I can imagine about fifteen minutes of wild sex before I'm done for the day.

Guess the other twenty are out of luck.

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