Sunday, November 20, 2011

Schieffer does his best for the anybody-but-Paul movement

Bob Schieffer embarrassed himself this morning with his efforts to put words in Ron Paul's mouth. Schieffer's very demeanor let everyone know that he found interviewing Paul distasteful.

Two points in particular were cringeworthy. Schieffer claimed that no one in the US government has ever suggested bombing Iran. Schieffer of course knows perfectly well what the Hillaries and the Lindsey Grahams mean when they talk about "all the options" etc. This was just dishonest reportage.

And Schieffer again feigned umbrage at the suggestion that there might have been some connection between 9/11 and the last fifty or sixty years of American foreign policy, as if the thought had never occurred to him before and Paul was some kind of closet al Qaeda agent.

All around a very slovenly performance, Mr. Schieffer.

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